Pole Tents
The heart of the tent rental industry is still the push-pole tent. In widths of 20' to 80', these tents can be used for weddings, fairs, schools, churches, sales, and all other types of events. Purchase price of these tents is still a fraction of frames and peaks and installation is faster and easier. Available in solid white, vibrant stripes or other solid colors, the pole tent is still a must for rental inventories.
Frame Tents
From widths of 10' to 40', GOFF Tents offers the best quality and craftsmanship in frame tents. We use the West Coast style frames, 2" aluminum poles with steel corner fittings, but tops can be made to the specification of most other major brands. Our tops are made of high quality American made vinyl and are available in stripes or solid colors.
High Peak Tents
It used to be that only the "big" companies could afford to carry a selection of "peak" tension tents. GOFF Tents is proud that we can now offer these magnificent tents in pole and frames in widths of 10' to 60' for about the same price as a standard pole tent. Our "Prestige" Series offers you an elegant choice at an affordable price.
Clear Frame Tents
One of the hottest trends in the rental industry is the clear tent. Clear top tents combine the beauty of the outdoors with the security of a tent. We offer these tops from widths of 10' to 40'.
Clear Pole Tents
Clear pole tents provide all of the glitz and glam of a clear frame tent but with less labor for installation and removal. We offer these tops from widths of 10'-40'
Tent Side Walls
CATHEDRAL STYLE These walls are made with 15 oz. vinyl and all are hand cut with a velcro frame around the inside of the window. This allows you to remove the clear window and still have this classic look year round.
SOLID WALLS All GOFF Tent walls are made with 2" webbing around the perimeter of the wall. Plastic clips are sewn to the top and grommets are set in the bottom of the wall to aid in securing the wall. Walls can be attached to each other with either velcro or rope and grommets.
Custom Logos
GOFF Tents can have your logo displayed on your tent. This is great advertising for your company. All we need is a picture of a your company's logo, and we'll take care of the rest.
Custom Walls and Enclosures
Enclose your patio for the winter. GOFF Tents makes customized walls for porches, patios, and decks. Walls may be made in one continuous wall or individual panels. Most popular walls are clear or solid with the option of cathedral windows.
Door Covers
These covers are made for Linkbelt. One size fits 3 different bay doors. They are used to retain heat when bay doors are being worked on. Our door covers are reinforced with 5000 lb tensile strength nylon straps.
Vinyl Table Covers
GOFF Tents manufactures many sizes of vinyl covers to fit banquet or round tables. These covers are used primarily by the government and caterers. Covers come in every color and can be full size, chair length, or just below the table top.
Custom Awnings and Covers
Need a cover for your back porch or patio? Could you use some extra storage space or how about a car port? GOFF Tents offers a full line of custom covers of all sizes and colors. Call today for a free quote!